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Conversation 08.10.2020

AI Chatbot - The "Hinge" connecting customers to business

A report by Saleforce in 2019 indicates that 69% of consumers prefer chatbot for expeditious communication with brands. The pioneers in the digital race are Finance - Banking institutions with many Artificial Intelligence solutions in operation, and AI chatbot is one of the most vital ones for customer relationship management and building.

Conversation 08.10.2020

Why marketing and sales need chatbot?

The integration of smart chatbot and messaging apps is essential to improve competitive advantages in customer service for businesses.

Conversation 08.10.2020

Insurance: Optimize customer experience by chatbot

Insurance Technology (Insurtech) is rapidly changing user behavior. Many large insurance companies are pioneering the application of automatic customer care solutions with AI chatbot and initially bring positive experiences to customers.

Conversation 29.09.2020

Tag Topic feature - Optimize customer management with topics

Tag Topics feature allows admin to group intents by topic, helping supporters to capture the most popular topics among customers or send personalized notifications about their interest.

Conversation 29.09.2020

Email Card - Automated email to supporter

Customer service agents cannot be available 24/7 like chatbot, but chatbot may need support from humans in some situations. Email Card is a new feature that allows chatbot to automatically send emails to human supporters, so they can quickly capture the problem and handle it.