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Introducing a Large-Scale Dataset for Vietnamese POS Tagging on Conversational Texts

April 16, 2024

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Authors: Oanh Tran, Tu Pham, Vu Dang, Bang Nguyen

Abstract: This paper introduces a large-scale human-labeled dataset for the Vietnamese POS tagging task on conversational texts. To this end, wepropose a new tagging scheme (with 36 POS tags) consisting of exclusive tags for special phenomena of conversational words, developthe annotation guideline and manually annotate 16.310K sentences using this guideline. Based on this corpus, a series of state-of-the-art tagging methods has been conducted to estimate their performances. Experimental results showed that the Conditional Random Fields model using both automatically learnt features from deep neural networks and handcrafted features yielded the best performance. Thismodel achieved 93.36% in the accuracy score which is 1.6% and 2.7% higher than the model using either handcrafted features orautomatically-learnt features, respectively. This result is also a little bit higher than the model of fine-tuning BERT by 0.94% in theaccuracy score. The performance measured on each POS tag is also very high with >90% in the F1 score for 20 POS tags and >80%in the F1 score for 11 POS tags. This work provides the public dataset and preliminary results for follow-up research on this interesting direction.

Published: May, 2020, Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Publisher: European Language Resources Association

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