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Harness the power of data to drive customer experience

Exhaustive analytics to understand agent performance, understand customers, and elevate engagement

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Comprehensive AI-Powered Call Center Quality Assurance

  • Assess the quality of inbound and outbound calls via call center
    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) to transcribe all calls into text
    Call uploads in batches
    Audit campaign management
    Easy access control
  • Assess agent performance through customer sentiment
    Analyze customer emotions and satisfaction in every interaction
    Alert abnormal calls
    Analyze purchase intentions
  • The platform and scoring criteria are tailored to each business function
    Customize scoring criteria for conversations to actual needs
    Easily update and modify criteria
  • A report studio that is tailored to business objectives
  • Encompass even historical data to enhance conversational analytics.
    Encompass even historical data to enhance conversational analytics.

Analyze and manage customer experience

Adopt the most advanced AI technologies, including natural language processing (NLP), automatic speech recognition (ASR), and dialog management.
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Revolutionize call center operations with FPT.AI

The AI-powered solution automates quality management in the call center, utilizing the full value of data to ensure compliance and augment customer experience.

  • Automatically transcribe conversations from audio to text with an accuracy of 90%

  • Save 70% of time for manual quality assessment

  • Decrease compliance issues by 60%