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Case Studies

Improving call center efficiency with FPT.AI text-to-speech service

November 12, 2019

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Client: VHT Website: Project overview: Challenge: VHT faces massive and continuously growing demand from its clients for notices and payment reminders, which requires a large number of call center personnel. Solution: Using FPT.AI text-to-speech service, VHT is able to make great numbers of automated outbound calls on behalf of its clients. Outcome: Anytime, anywhere notification … Continued

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1. Client

VHT has over 12 years of experience in mobile marketing consultancy, cloud call center and cloud CRM solutions for businesses. Using modern VoIP technology, VHT is trusted by more than 500 top brands in Vietnam such as Unilever, ACB, Samsung, VietjetAir etc.

2. Challenge

For a client from the top 3 microfinance providers in Vietnam with over 3.5 million regular customers, there is enormous demand for customer service to provide information and payment reminders.

3. Solution

To reduce human resource requirement, improves operational efficiency and optimize customer experience, VHT has integrated its existing call center infrastructure with FPT.AI text-to-speech technology to provide automated notification calls to customers at specified time slots. The underlying technology utilizes deep learning techniques with millions of processed voice samples from different regions of Vietnam.

4. Outcome

The application of FPT.AI text-to-speech in automated customer service has enabled 750,000 outbound calls with peaks of more than 15,000 calls per hour, providing an equivalent capacity to 500 human agents in three months. As a result VHT has made significant reductions in terms of human resources and operating cost while ensuring information accuracy and consistent service quality, thus elevating customer experience.

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