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Create Seamless Customer Experience

Never lose a customer with AI-powered,24/7 customer service, serving 120M+ messages & calls per month.

Background section

Deliver Exceptional Experiences to Your Customers

The comprehensive AI ecosystem allows enterprises to automate operating activities and expand customer touch-points in order to create business breakthroughs and conquer customers

  • Personalized Self- Service
    (Cá nhân hóa trải nghiệm KH)
    Natural-sounding synthetic voice for gender and regional accents
    Sentiment Scanner: the ability of bots to recognize user’s emotional factor in the dialogue and therefore, select the suitable responses
    eKYC helps authenticate & categorize customers
    Scenario Builder according personalized options
  • AI-Powered Omni-channel CX
    (Trải nghiệm liền mạch trên các nền tảng)
    eKYC helps authenticate & categorize customers
    Scenario Builder according personalized options
  • Quickly – Any time – Anywhere
    (Nhanh chóng – Mọi lúc – Mọi nơi)
    eKYC helps authenticate & categorize customers
    Scenario Builder according personalized options

Deliver Exceptional Experiences to Your Customers

The comprehensive AI ecosystem allows enterprises to automate operating activities and expand customer touch-points in order to create business breakthroughs and conquer customers
Background section

FPT.AI powered Extraordinary Experiences Across Industry

The comprehensive AI ecosystem allows banking& finance enterprises to automate operating activities and expand customer touchpoints in order to create business breakthroughs and conquer customers.

  • FPT.AI Virtual Assitant

    FPT AI Enhance is a state of the art Contact Center Enhancement solution by dramatically increasing reachability to customers and reducing average human agent handling time per call (AHT)

  • Conversational AI

    Conversational AI (FPT AI Chat, FPT AI Engage) can be configured to facilitate early payment reminder, increase successful collection rate and explore opportunity up-selling

  • FPT.AI Intelligence Document Processing

    Recognize& extract various types of documents; Reduce document processing time and enhance productivity with FPT AI Read


    Enables customers identity verification on digital platforms, offering positive and convenient experience to end-customers

  • Employee Assistant

    FPT AI Mentor is the solution for automating and personalizing each employee’s track of improvement with AI, enhance training quality ass well as knowledge & competency of salesmes.

FPT.AI Empowered Customers Experiences

The comprehensive AI ecosystem allows enterprises to automate operating activities and expand customer.

  • Digital onboarding & KYC

  • Omni channel AI-Powered

  • Intelligent Contact Center

Transform businesses into AI-first organizations

  • 01

    Customer Experience Enhancement

  • 02

    Customer Experience Enhancement

  • 03

    Productivity Boost

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