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Cross-lingual Extended Named Entity Classification of Wikipedia Articles

April 16, 2024

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Authors: The Viet Bui, Phuong Le-Hong

Comments: Accepted to NTCIR-15

Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)

Abstract: The this http URL team participated in the SHINRA2020-ML subtask of the NTCIR-15 SHINRA task. This paper describes our method to solving the problem and discusses the official results. Our method focuses on learning cross-lingual representations, both on the word level and document level for page classification. We propose a three-stage approach including multilingual model pre-training, monolingual model fine-tuning and cross-lingual voting. Our system is able to achieve the best scores for 25 out of 30 languages; and its accuracy gaps to the best performing systems of the other five languages are relatively small.

Published: 10/7/2020


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