Chatbots have become popular all over the world with practical utility for both businesses and users. FPT.AI Conversation not only focuses on building superior features for chatbots but also pays special attention to the conversational interface between people and bots, to bring the best experience for users.
Here are 5 things about bots’ conversational interface that bot creators need to keep in mind:
Use buttons and answer tags with a variety of forms
AI chatbot recognizes users’ intentions by using NLP (natural language processing) technology. Therefore, users will communicate with the bot in sentences. However, to make the conversation more interesting and intriguing, bot designers should combine buttons and answer tags in many different forms such as images, carousel cards …
Especially in the first steps, if the chatbot gives answers in the form of buttons and illustration tags, users will have quick choices in the right direction.
SHB Finance uses photo slide cards to introduce chatbot content that can support users
Simple selection with a fixed menu
The bot designer should create fixed menus right on the conversational interface. These menus will include topics that most users have interests in.
For users who have a clear purpose when communicating with the bot, they can choose the issue pinned in the fixed menu to quickly be consulted and answered questions.
Vietnam Airlines Chatbot has fixed menu settings with 3 issues that users are most interested in: Book tickets, FAQs and Meet Counselors.
Limit users’ sentence length
The length of sentences is especially important for chatbots. If a user types a long sentence with too much information, chatbots will not be able to understand the exact intention. Therefore, chatbots will give false responses to the user.
If the questions of customers are too long that bots can not understand, let bots ask suggestive questions, or give an answer such as: “Sorry I don’t understand your question, please ask me short, simple questions.”
The virtual assistant Pika of FPT Shop provides suggestions to help customers have effective communication.
Only send a maximum of 3 messages at a time
If chatbots send too many messages, users will be overwhelmed, even annoyed. Therefore, bot creators should design a maximum of 3 consecutive answers for the chatbot to send to the user.
When communicating, a complete, concise and informative answer of the bot will make users feel satisfied, rather than a lengthy and rambling one.
Building an image and personality for the bot
Before starting the conversation, make it clear to your customers that they are chatting with a chatbot. Otherwise, your customers may be confused and feel uncomfortable when the chatbot does not meet what they want.
Virtual Assistant – Ms. Sau Finance of SHB Finance
Bot designers should build an avatar and a specific name for chatbots because they are the representatives of your brand instead of consulting staff, answering customers’ questions. This is an effective tool to convey the image of your business to customers.
Currently, the chatbot creation platform of FPT.AI has become a trusted choice of many large companies and corporations in the country since FPT.AI Conversation meets the most rigorous requirements in creating a smart, easy to set up and convenient to manage chatbot. A beautiful interface, combined with optimized features will help the conversation between people and bots achieve the best results, bringing satisfaction to users.
?Start building chatbot with chatbot creation platform FPT.AI Conversation:
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