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Building a personality for Chatbot

January 10, 2020

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A Chatbot’s personality is expressed throughout the conversation, from greetings, explanations, service information, to asking and answering questions. A user-friendly chatbot needs to not only understand customers but also makes them feel interested.

There are many factors that affect the communication style of chatbots. One of which is how they start conversations. Instead of trying to hide, you can tell customers that they are communicating with a bot, not a person. Being explicit from the beginning will help users be more open and interested in conversing with bots. Let your chatbot send a clear welcome with a brief self-introduction.

For conversations to become more natural and flexible, this article will introduce these following helpful tips:

Chatbot reflects your user personality

The chatbot can imitate the personality of customers by chatting in their style. For example, you should not build a bot’s character like a female student if most of your customers are 35-50 years old female.

Instead, understand the users’ personality: learn their daily life experiences, interests, cultures and habits. Your chatbot will be harmonious with the customers if its personality is similar to that of the users.

Understanding your customer will decide the level of friendliness and information you should provide from the beginning.

For example, the Chatbot of The Wall Street Journal was built to cater to customers.  The average reader of the newspaper is 49 years old and earns nearly 200,000$ a year.  Their readers consist of 45% female and 55% male. Based on this information, The Wall Street Journal’s chatbot sent “Hello” as a simple and polite greeting and then quickly transfer to information options and articles.  This is one subtle point of The Wall Street Journal because the readers of The Wall Street Journal are experts and entrepreneurs, who are extremely busy and always want a quick research tool.


However, you can create a humorous Chatbot like how Domino Pizza builds their Pizza Bot. “I’m really just here for the dough, so let’s get your pizza yeah?” is the simple but lovely way that DOM Pizza Bot says hello to its customers, followed by 2 options PIZZA (for pizza selection on the menu) or HELP (for other queries).



Finding the customer’s characteristics and reflecting those through Chatbots will bring the best experiences to users.

Identify your chatbot’s personality characteristics

You should add a little friendliness besides providing a helpful and consistent conversation.

Have you chosen a name for your bot? Is your bot’s approach professional and polite or fun and witty? Is the Chatbot male, female or genderless? How old is your bot?

What characteristics are included in the bot’s personality? You can identify the style of the chatbot based on your brand/company/business. However, you can also exaggerate some traits to make the bot more interesting.

For example, Pika – FPT Shop’s Chatbot is an AI-integrated product using FPT.AI platform, which helps FPT Shop take care of thousands of customers every day. Pika is a truth-worthy, polite man with short hair, dressed in a tidy FPT Shop uniform.



Some characteristics need to be considered such as whether the bot is introverted or extroverted, funny or serious, gentle or dynamic, etc. For many brands, a simple and useful chatbot is the optimal choice. However, if your customers want to experience lots of interesting products and services, you should consider adding something fun to your chatbot.

Prepare for unexpected questions

Sometimes, your Chatbot will have to answer questions unrelated to the information you intend to provide. How will you handle it? Being dry or foolish?

An example is Siri – Apple’s virtual assistant, which created to be able to operate according to people’s thoughts. One of the reasons why many customers love Siri is how it answers random questions. When users receive a witty answer to senseless questions, they are impressed by Siri’s ability.



Building a personality for bots to be able to answer questions outside the topic will help chatbots get closer to users. The surprise chatbot brought to customers lies not in a sentence, but in the connection to the human.

Understanding users and building chatbot characteristics suitable for users’ personality is one of the most important factors leading to the success of the conversation. When users know that they are understood and listened, with their questions answered in a thoughtful way, they will trust your products and appreciate your brand.


?Start building chatbot with chatbot creation platform FPT.AI Conversation:

☎ Hotline: 0911886353

? Email: [email protected]

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