To categorize conversations more conveniently, FPT.AI Conversation adds Long Wait and Complain feature. Based on these criteria, supporters can identify which customers need priority.
1. Categorize conversations with Long Wait feature
Long Wait feature allows Supporters to filter customers who have waited for more than 3 hours, from the time they send requests until they receive the first response from supporters.
To use Long wait feature, visit Livesupport (, click on Long Wait tab.
After Supporters send the first message to customers or press Mark as done, they will be removed from the Long Wait tab.
2. Categorize conversations that receive complaints (Complain)
This feature helps supporters label customers who are complaining about conversations.
Step 1: To install this feature, on Livesupport go to Settings, select Auto assign -> enter “Complain” as the criterion to filter customers. Then press Enter and Save.
Note: Depend on each task, bot admin can also set more criteria.
Step 2: In the bot building interface (, create Complain step
Create a list of Samples of sentences that contain complaint words so that bot can identify the Complain Intent.
Step 3: Then, select Request Human Support card.
In Request support skill, select Complain
Click Disable Bot.
Step 4: After bot recognizes the Complain Intent and understand that the customers are complaining, it has to give a response.
To create an answer, in the Complain step, select Text card and enter the answer.
• Complain feature will be displayed next to Long Wait feature on Livesupport. Supporters can click on the Complain tab to support complaining customers.
• If supporters do not solve problems for complaining customers in Complain tab after 3 hours, those users will also appear in Long Wait tab. With this feature, supporters can give priority to customers who are complaining.
• When supporters complete taking care of complaining users, the system will remove these customers from the Complain tab.
3. Report the statistics of Chatbot performance and classification
The customer support team and bot admin can see statistics about the number of messages sent by customers and categorized by conversation types such as Complain, Long Wait, Request.
To see the report, visit Livesupport
Click on the icon of supporters’ name
Select Conversation types report.
The reports allow bot admin to filter messages by time and the following information:
– Normal request: The number of messages sent for general support
– Complain: The number of messages sent from customers to complain
– Longwait – Complain: The number of messages sent from customers to complain that are not solved after 3 hours.
– Longwait – Normal request: The number of messages sent from customers that are not supported after 3 hours.
– Others: The number of other messages between customers and Bot.
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