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FPT.AI Vision Facematch – Face authentication solution

March 5, 2020

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The eKYC process includes many steps: Verification of identity information, document verification, face verification. FPT.AI Vision has done a great job of identifying and extracting information on identification documents (ID, Passport, Driver’s License) and verifying documents (biils, statements). …), giving results with up to 98% accuracy.

Following that success, Facematch face authentication technology was born to help complete the customer identification process. Thanks to the provision of deep learning algorithms (Deep learning), Facematch is capable of analyzing and comparing portraits on personal documents such as ID card, Driver’s License, Passport … with photo / video of real face, to authenticate the owner of those IDs.

Operational model of APIs Facematch in electronics Know Your Customers

Facematch has a very simple operation method, users can operate easily.


FPT.AI Vision


When participating in the system, users take personal identification documents as required, it could be ID / CCCD, Driver’s License or Passport. Regulations on input image:

  • Photo taken in jpg or jpeg format
  • Photos must be 4 corners, clear national rules, photos are not glossy, glare information fields
  • Photos must not exceed 5 MB and a minimum resolution of 640×480 to ensure accuracy
  • The ratio of the face area must cover a minimum of ¼ of the total image area. 

Then OCR technology will extract the information fields needed to save it on the system.

FPT.AI VisionOutstanding features

  • Processing speed: The average processing time is 0.8-1.2 seconds/image if using the GPU (NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080Ti). The processing time of the system depends on the image’s resolution.
  • Accuracy: The average accuracy of the system is above 95.4% for images that meet the input standards.
  • Easy to use: Photographs of IDs on the Facematch system only need 4 corners, clear national emblem, no glossy, glare fields, no need to be in a fixed frame. Users can complete the operation quickly and easily.


The eKYC process is legally required for many businesses, especially in finance and banking. Instead of time-consuming face-to-face document reconciliation and documents, Facematch performs customer identification electronically, without having to meet face-to-face. Users can perform remote and online identification process. It only takes a few minutes to complete the identification process from paper verification to face verification, and then the user can quickly perform other transactions.

Electronics Know Your Customer (eKYC) maximizes convenience for both service providers and users. Businesses can save time on processing and cut operation costs. Human resources are liberated from many manual work. Thanks to the eKYC process, businesses can easily establish relationships with customers, thereby improving operational efficiency and safety in customer management. Users do not have to go to the transaction office, wait, or fill in too many paper forms. Users will have convenience and positive experiences.


Facematch – face authentication is applied in the process of automating the input of many fields such as finance – banking, telecommunications, tourism – hotel. Some applications can be listed as opening a bank account, opening a credit card account, registering a subscription, booking a hotel, identifying customers, checking in at the airport or accommodation, and many other applications.

On the digitizing businesses’ operating process journey, the comprehensive set of solutions FPT.AI Vision is gradually asserting its superiority over many competitors in the market. Especially eKYC – Facematch. The entire FPT.AI Vision aims to optimize the process of user authentication, help businesses to keep up with the digital transformation race, bring the best and most convenient services to users.

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