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Sustain business operations with automated payment reminder solution

Stabilize cash flows from post-paid sources, loans, and installment. Minimize overdue debts and bad debts for business

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Timely Payments, Effortless Reminders – AI at Work

  • Automated payment reminders for services and financial loans
    Complete process automation for payment reminders
    Minimize costs and optimize coverage for thousands of customers per day
  • AI virtual assistant (voicebot) engages with customers in natural, empathetic manner
    Human-like interaction
    Adhere to professional attitude throughout thousands of calls
  • Increase customer satisfaction, reduce bad debt
    Help customers maintain on-time payments and improve credit score
    Make positive impression and enhance brand image
  • Provide accurate, real-time statistics
    Forecast bad debts, overdue debts
    Forecast cash flows
    Notify complex cases requiring human agents to support

AI-enabled capabilities to automate payment reminders

The speech synthesis and natural language processing technologies enable voicebot to interact naturally, reduce workload, and increase debt recovery rate for business
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Simplify your payment process and avoid late fees with

Seamlessly integrating with your financial systems, our smart payment reminders ensure your customers never miss a due date again.

  • Easily create call campaigns

  • Powerful Cloud infrastructure with high scalability for business

  • Easy integration into your call center

  • User-friendly, intuitive management interface