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How AI-powered Virtual Agent renovates traditional call centers

July 30, 2020

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In the 2000s when AI was a new concept, many call centers already saw the potential of it. Initially, AI was used as a tool to cut costs rather than improve customer experience. However, at present, with the strong development of science and technology, businesses are focusing more and more on the need for services of customers. Many of them say that customer experience is the top reason for investment in AI, and reducing costs is just the second one. Therefore, they focus all resources on renovating call centers to bring the best experience to customers.

Smartphones, social networks and chat apps, etc. have raised customers’ expectations of surrounding services. They will feel impatient when waiting for services too long, having to talk to a nasty agent, or forwarding calls are cumbersome. Just because of a bad experience, businesses can lose a customer forever.

AI-powered Virtual Agent – Change the traditional routing system

Over the past decades, the world’s leading call centers have continually applied the most advanced technology to improve service quality. The progress can be seen from first-generation call routing technology that leads users to useful topics to IVR – Interactive Voice Response – that millions of customers are still using today. These cumbersome systems are showing more and more weaknesses to both businesses and customers, urging businesses to find an alternative solution to meet customers’ higher standard of services.

Millions of users around the world surely have been annoyed by the IVR system that makes them do a lot of tasks and wait too long. Moreover, not many people are connected to agents at the first call. Sometimes, they have to repeat the same actions 4-5 times or more to meet agents and escaping from the haunting instructions.

Due to the integration with many modern technologies based on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Agent can listen and understand the needs of users. Users do not have to spend time listening to the classic line: “press 1 to A, press 2 to B, press 3 to C, press 4 to D”. With just short sentences that have all the main content, the system will direct users to the right department quickly.

Trợ lý ảo tổng đài FPT.AI

Virtual Agent for Call Center – An powerful assistant

Business managers believe that modern call centers will provide great customer experiences with a range of new tools, thereby increasing loyalty and ultimately boosting revenue and profits. Virtual Agent for Call Center is expected to handle 20% of customer service requests by 2022, saving time and reducing the pressure on consultants.

In particular, for large companies, when an incident occurs, call centers are suddenly overloaded and even hundreds of agents working at full capacity are not enough. For example, in the complicated situation of Covid-19, hundreds of domestic and international flights are canceled every day, making customers bewildered. Millions of customers contact airlines call centers to get information about their flights, cancel and refund conditions, etc. However, 60% of those calls are simple information queries that passengers can search on websites themselves.

To solve this problem, airlines can use Virtual Agent for Call Center to automatically answer customers according to scripts. Voice recognition and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technology enable Virtual Agent to listen and understand the intent in customers’ speech, thereby providing accurate responses.

Home Credit Vietnam is one of many big customers of FPT.AI. After 3 months of deployment and operation, Virtual Agent of HomeCredit Vietnam has some initial achievements such as: Automatically making 20,000 calls per day with the call duration of 1-2 minutes. The successful call rate is 98%. Virtual Agent helps businesses save billions on operating and personnel costs while bringing exciting experiences to customers.

Virtual Agent automated 100% quality checking process

Virtual Agent for Call Center of FPT.AI can store and analyze 100% of inbound and outbound calls. The data will be presented on the user-friendly Dashboard with indicators such as the Total number of reached customers, Number of successful calls, Duration of each call, etc. or customer insight such as when most users pick up the phone, the information most frequently asked, in which step users often hang up, etc. The entire complicated, time-consuming and costly process is now automated entirely thanks to FPT.AI Virtual Agent for Call Center.Trợ lý ảo tổng đài FPT.AI

The ability of comprehensive analysis and evaluation: Unlike traditional statistical methods when enterprises only take a few calls as a sample for analysis, Virtual Agent for Call Center will analyze data from all inbound and outbound calls. Data will be digitized and analyzed in real time, giving managers an overview and comprehensive of all voice calls, all customers.

FPT.AI Virtual Agent for Call Center helps data analysis of all calls, which is complicated and almost impossible for large corporations, be done in real time. Virtual Agent for Call Center can analyze and making statistics of thousands of calls every day but still ensure accurate and comprehensive results.

Adjust and upgrade the process based on data (Data driven): Previously, the adjusting and upgrading processes were based on the sensory, experience of consultants, manager without considering data. With the participation of Virtual Agent for Call Center, managers have the essential indicators to build necessary upgrade plans for call centers.

Managers can identify shortcomings in customer service and improve processes based on data (data driven). Trends and expectations of customers are clearly seen through each call. Therefore, managers can consider and propose changes, develop friendly call centers that are more useful to customers.

Ensuring uniformity in voice quality: Managers can get the concern for training staff about intonation, tone of voice, pronunciation and how to convey information out of their head. Virtual Agent for Call Center with the same voice throughout the system makes sure that information is conveyed fully, clearly and understandably to customers. In particular, FPT.AI Virtual Agent for Call Center provides multi-region voices such as male and female voices in Northern, Central, and Southern Vietnam, ensuring the most friendly, close and natural experience to customers all over the country.

Currently, FPT.AI Virtual Agent for Call Center is the best and most complete Vietnamese virtual agent. Using the most advanced technologies such as Voice recognition, Voice synthesis and Natural language processing, FPT.AI Virtual Agent for Call Center is the optimal choice trusted by many large corporations.

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