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Virtual Agent – The right hand to businesses in the coronavirus age

May 11, 2020

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The long-lasting COVID-19 outbreak had hindered customers from doing direct transactions. In accordance with Admendment No.15/CT-TT of the Prime Minister on social distancing to prevent Covid-19 infection, many call centers of businesses in finance-banking can no longer operate as normal, causing great damages to both the businesses and customers.

However, many businesses had quickly deployed alternative measures – using Virtual Agents, which can perform customer care tasks exactly like a real employee.

So, what exactly are the important missions done by Virtual Agents during the Covid-19 outbreak?

1. Product/Service experience consulting

Virtual Agents are used in calling customers, to notify and consult them about products/services. Using scenarios set beforehand, Virtual Agents will provide information regarding new products/services, then advise customers until they agree to try out these products/services.

Trợ lí ảo tổng đài FPT.AI

Using voice identification technology, FPT.AI Virtual Agent can understand user intents, and give appropriate and accurate responses. Businesses can therefore utilize it to open credit cards or issue consumer loans for new customers. By understanding and recording information of interested customers, the system will organize collected data, and staff will call to verify the information and care for each customer.

Virtual Agents has greatly simplified categorization and filtering of potential customers, so that the consulting team can focus on more specialized customer care tasks. This will reduce their pressure, especially when they need to make hundreds of calls and face grumpy people that are not interested.

2. Credit payment reminder

For businesses in finance-banking, FPT.AI Virtual Agent can also remind customers of their credit payment due date. In particular, the agent will inform customers of the specific amounts they owe, and the due date for their payments.

Many companies in the field also accept payment in various forms like bank transactions, zalo pay, momo, airpay, vnpay… and smart virtual agents can also suggest these payment methods to customers. This information will also help businesses to easily manage, evaluate customers, and from which issue suitable marketing campaigns for customers on different channels.

Trợ lý ảo tổng đài FPT.AI

As the disease outbreak has led to economic difficulties, many customers may forget or purposely avoid credit debts. In these cases, Virtual Agents can carefully urge customers to pay, so that they can have appropriate preparations for these debts.

3. Service quality surveying

In banking services, quality survey is regarded as one of the most important tasks, which needs to be done frequently, especially with new products. Therefore, banking-finance businesses should pay considerable attention to products introduced before the Covid-19 outbreak.

FPT.AI Virtual Agent can make survey calls to inquire about customer satisfaction regarding their product experiences. Options can be Yes/No questions, or gradings from 1-10.

Aside from inquiring about product/service quality, Virtual Agents can also make surveys about their staffs, infrastructure… or make open questions to get other opinions and suggestions from customers. The integrated voice identification technology in the system will also help FPT.AI Virtual Agent to understand and accurately record conversations with customers.

FPT.AI Virtual Agent builder platform will allow businesses to fully manage databases and conversation histories with customers, and generate detailed comprehensive reports to get a full view of customers’ evaluations and suggestions. From here, businesses can make suitable changes to improve their produce/service quality, for the best customer experiences.

Virtual Agents had made enormous breakthroughs in the tech field worldwide. In Vietnam, FPT.AI Virtual Agent for Call Center is one outstanding candidates among many, which can satisfy strict criteria of large finance-banking institutes. FPT.AI Virtual Agent can utilize both male and female voices with natural tones, smooth intonations, and diverse local accents. Businesses will therefore have a wide range of selection for their varied purposes and customer classifications.

In the near future, Virtual Agents for Call Centers will surely gain popularity and be widely applied in businesses and organizations due to its superior advantages compared to traditional call centers. With various advanced technologies integrated, Virtual Agents can process many human tasks, and grow to be even smarter and more useful.

To experience this product, please contact:

Hotline: 0911886353

Email: [email protected]

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