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12 reasons why your chatbot is ineffective

September 18, 2020

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Chatbots are increasingly important in many marketing campaigns. Having outstanding advantages over competitors on the market, Chatbot built on FPT.AI Conversation platform is the choice of many companies and corporations.

Chatbot FPT.AI integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is smart and useful in the field of customer care. However, to create a smart chatbot, you must train it logically and methodically. Here are 12 common mistakes making your bot inefficient:

1. Chatbot is not set up optimally

Users have hundreds of questions with a variety of questions every day. Although chatbot may not have the ability to answer 100% of the questions of users, the simplest ones related to the most common problems must be automatically answered by bots, for example, greetings, frequently asked questions, best-selling products, purchase instructions, etc.

Chatbot should fulfill some duties such as:

• FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

• Information about the latest, best selling products

• Information about the best and most useful content for customers

• Announcements on promotions.

2. Chatbot is not personalized

Each customer is unique. When your chatbot can be personalized for each customer, they will find it friendly and feel more respected.

Besides, chatbot should be set up to recall customers’ names a few times during the conversations to make it more natural and create a great connection.

3. Chatbot is boring with no personality

Chatbot is a robot, but you should not let it communicate with customers like a robot. Customers will quickly get bored with bland conversations. Be creative and make your chatbot like a human with a suitable personality for your audience. Chatbots can be one of the representatives of your brand’s culture. Therefore, they need to support and serve customers as warm and natural as possible.Chatbot FPT.AI

For example, Chatbot Pika of FPT Shop built on the FPT.AI Conversation platform is extremely adorable and playful with customers. When users laugh, Pika also responds with a cute, funny icon, making the conversation more comfortable and fun.

4. Do not use chatbot on a variety of channels

Many businesses only use chatbots for Messenger, which limits the ability of it. You can reach many potential customers on many other channels such as Livechat on your website, Zalo, Viber, etc. in a very simple way.

Because chatbot FPT.AI Conversation can be integrated into many different chat platforms, it can support all customers in all channels of your business.

5. Only send promotional messages

Customers report many emails as spam because they receive dozens of promotional emails and news every day. Therefore, to use chatbot intelligently and effectively, you should not just use it as a tool to send promotional messages continuously. This may be too annoying for customers that they may block you.

When creating a chatbot on FPT.AI’s platform, it is completely possible to send promotional messages to different groups of customers according to the time and the frequency scheduled. You should send useful news to customers with a moderate frequency and to the right potential customers.

6. Failure to notify customers when chatbot cannot solve problems

If users send messages to your company and receive responses after 30 minutes or even hours, they may be frustrated. Chatbot may not understand customers’ questions to give a reasonable answer, so supporters have to answer them.

Therefore, with questions that beyond the ability of bot, it must send to users a message that their questions are forwarded to supporters and will be responded as soon as possible. This is a polite response and can get sympathy from customers. At the same time, chatbot must notify supporters to handle the problems immediately, avoid making customers wait a long time.

7. Send messages at the wrong time

You will get cranky if a message comes when you are sleeping but it turns out a promotional message, so does your customers.

Set the time to send your messages when your users are most likely to open. If your customers are around the world, make sure that you consider their time zone to not make them annoyed.

8. Do not divide your customer base when interacting with chatbot

When sending messages to customers, you should not send to all of them the same content. That would be annoying for a segment of customers who do not have the corresponding needs.

During the conversation with bot, you should tag customers and divide them into different groups. Chatbot can ask questions and tag people by the way they interact with it. For example, if someone talks to chatbot and wants to make an appointment, you can use tags to make sure they truly want it or not. Therefore, you can immediately follow up with potential customers.

9. Do not use answer cards for different situations

For vivid and interesting communication between chatbot and customers, you should mix cards in multiple bot responses. The flexible combination of text, image, form or carousel cards in FPT.AI Conversation interface will help customers choose or answer questions more quickly.

Also, when using cards, businesses can record who clicked which button. Therefore, you can easily classify, measure or confirm who your potential customers are.

Card is a powerful tool that helps you create a smooth conversation flow instead of a boring one without any data measured.

10. Do not use keywords

Bot can understand what users say because chatbot FPT.AI Conversation is integrated with natural language processing technology. Thanks to NLP, chatbot can recognize keywords in sentences, then give corresponding responses to users.

Therefore, you need to set up a set of keywords strictly so that chatbot can correctly understand users’ intent.

11. Do not experience chatbot before making it public

FPT.AI Conversation Chatbot is integrated with Machine Learning technology, so you can train them to make them smarter every day. When teaching chatbot something new, you should always do the double-check step for your chatbot before making it public.

Make sure you have used cards properly, images and gifs are optimized for messages. Are answers clear and logical? Does chatbot misunderstand users’ intent? Are problems arranged in a proper process?

If you do not test chatbot for a variety of scenarios before going public, you may run into unnecessary problems.

12. Clean up your customer list

Like email marketing, you should filter your customer list and exclude subscribers who do not interact or block messages. These users only take space in your list with no efficiency for communication or sales.

For customers who do not interact in a long time, you should remove them from the list, or provide them other products or services that they may care about.

These things seem small but vital to create an effective and professional chatbot. With the potential to be an indispensable tool connecting with customers, chatbot FPT Conversation is the companion of many large enterprises and corporations. In the future, chatbot can do countless jobs, replacing humans in primary and repetitive activities, so that humans will have time and energy to focus on more complex and specialized work.


? Start building a chatbot with FPT.AI Conversation:

☎ Hotline: 0911886353

? Email:

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